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670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

Year One: First Semester Year One: Second Semester
  1. GNS101: Useof English 1
  2. GNS 102: Communication Skills
  3. PLG 111: Legal Research & Methods
  4. PLG 112: Introduction To Nigerian Legal System
  5. COM 111: Introduction To Computer
  6. PLG 125: Introduction To Criminal Law & Procedure
  7. PLG 113: Introduction To Paralegalism I
  8. ACC111: Principles Of Accounting
  9. GNS 111: Citizenship!
  1. PLG 115: Introduction To Business Law
  2. GNS 201: Use Of English II
  3. GNS 202: Communication Skills II
  4. PLG 126: Corporate Legal Services
  5. PLG 127: Introduction To Psychology
  6. PLG 121: Introduction To Civil Litigation
  7. Document Preparation & Theory I
  8. PLG 114: Legal Documentation
  9. UDC101 Understanding Crime
  10. Investigation & Security 1
Year Two: First Semester Year One: Second Semester
  1. BAM 216: Entrepreneurship
  2. PLG 223: Introduction To Property Law
  3. PLG 123: Introduction To Para legalism 11
  4. 4) PLG 222: Seminar Presentation
  5. (5) PLG 228: Research Methodology
  6. (6) GNS 121: Citizenship 2
  7. (7) UDC101 Understanding Crime;
  8. Investigation & Security II
  1. BAM 228: Principles Of Management
  2. PLG 224: Introduction To Civil Litigation: Document Preparation & Theory
  3. PLG 122: Law Office Management & Professional Responsibility
  4. PLG 226: Project/Defence
  5. Graduation